Late night thoughts….

We all have late night thoughts. Most common thoughts are carrier, self analysis, about country and world. But when all these thoughts coverts into fantasy we never realises. Its like narrow river of thoughts which started with realistic and logical thinking about something, converted into a big untamable river of fantasy .

But, question is, are late night thoughts worth following if we ever reach any conclusion. 

First of all, late night thoughts comes at the cost of sleep,and a sleepless night is not going to help in any type of life crisis.

But sometimes it’s not in our hand, if something is bothering us then. It is almost impossible to stop that chain of thoughts which keeps coming in different ways. If it is a happy thought then most probably it will going to convert in some kind of fantasy. Sad thought will end up panicking us. If some sad thoughts is keep coming at late and prevent you from sleeping then there is chances that it will alarm you in such a way that you will take some action.

Chain of sad thoughts leads to trigger the mind which makes any kind of situation a do or die one. People will feel like it’s now or never and take unnecessary steps and end up embarrassing themselves.

My suggestion is if some thing is bothering you late night and forcing you to take some action. Just open your eyes look around.if possible walk for sometime or drink water.

It will wake up your brain and make it realise that whatever this is is not the end of world. 
Thanks for reading…

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